Assistant Director

It is my Pleasure to welcome you to the website of Azad Medicine Company. I am very delighted to say that AMC introduces their own website which enable it to expose worldwide and have a platform to show their expertise and position.

AMC is a rapidly growing entity. It has developed a competitive position in the market and continuously strengthens their systems. We have designed and implemented standard operating procedures which streamline the operation of our processes. We have well experienced sales field force that work in collaboration with pharmaceutical marketing representatives and make it possible to achieve monthly, quarterly and yearly targets assigned to both of them. We have a decision making committee in place that consist of 6 members who have highly qualified and experienced in their field. The DMC developed new policies, resolve issues and make unanimous decisions on any kind of potential matters of the business. AMC has 6 branches which are located in autonomous regions and each branch is operating independently and have all the facilities needed for efficient and effective governance. We will further expand our network in new geographical areas.

Prior to concluding, I would like to thank our customers for their trust, all of our employees for their commitment, and our business partners for their continued and valuable support in this endeavor.

Muhammad Ijaz Khan

Assistant Director